Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Orientation for Hospitalists New to Your Program

Great news: You have successfully hired a hospitalist. Now it’s time to ensure that the newest addition to the staff understands how things get done at your organization. Whether the hospitalist has years of experience under his or her belt or is transitioning from a residency program, it is up to the hospitalist program to provide specific instruction on the organization’s systems, processes, and policies. Failure to adequately orient your new hospitalist to the program could lead to feelings of stress and alienation, reduced productivity, and avoidable mistakes.

Elements of a strong and effective orientation program include:
▪ Implementation of a formalized training program to help the new hospitalist learn the ropes of your organization, making him or her feel more at ease in the new position.
▪ Introducing the new hospitalist to staff and arranging meetings between the hospitalist and the individuals with whom he or she will work closely.
▪ Creating a welcoming environment by inviting the new hospitalist to social events. It is important to include the new hospitalist’s significant other and/or family in part of the orientation, especially in cases where the physician/family has relocated to the community.

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