Friday, June 19, 2009

Adding New Media to your Recruitment Recipe

Will a “tweet” today produce a new physician tomorrow? Not likely.

Networking through Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube is similar to traditional networking: you build relationships and credibility to generate placements down the road. What’s different is that social networking over the Internet efficiently expands your network.

When combined with effective search optimization, email campaigns, podcasts and other targeted media, the chances of generating response to your opportunities rise exponentially.

Says who? Evidence that physicians embrace social and interactive media is growing:

  • Physicians rate online job sites (71%) and email (72%) among their top sources for job opportunities. [Source: The New England Journal of Medicine]
  • Consumer channels are proliferating: 60% of internet users access their email from outside the typical “inbox,” and Web 3.0 is picking up momentum (online videos, podcasts, blogs, RSS feeds). [Source: Forrester Research and Jupiter Research]

Does it really work?
Cejka Search has introduced interactive and social media into the traditional mix for sourcing, and nearly 75% of our responses result from online and interactive media.

By partnering with our clients — starting with a strategic assessment of the practice opportunity, adding outreach to our national database and following best practices recruitment process throughout the search — we have helped our clients fill more searches in the last year than in any year in our 25 year history.

That’s a recipe for recruitment success.
Ready for a sample? Try our interactive marketing package for FREE when we partner with you on your next physician search.

For more information, visit Or contact Brian McCartie, Vice President Business Development, at (800) 261.4518 or via email

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